Mt. Rainier from Kent, WA, photo by C. Hamilton
Mt. Rainier from Kent, WA, photo by C. Hamilton

AANW Participates in FRA’s Amtrak Long-Distance Study Workshops

All Aboard Northwest was honored to be invited to participate in the FRA Amtrak Long-Distance Service Study workshops for the Midwest and Northwest regions.

The most important takeaway from these workshops is an acknowledgment that the long-distance routes being studied are the backbone of our national rail system–an essential service lifeline for rural and urban communities alike. Our message is getting through; we are being heard and have a “seat at the table.” Our participation in these workshops is central to ensuring that regional priorities and routes are given proper attention and consideration.

AANW is a leader of the Greater Northwest Passenger Rail Coalition, and is enhancing the work of state-specific advocacy groups and governmental authorities to coordinate initiatives bringing all communities and constituents in the region a stronger voice.

We will summarize the meetings soon. Meanwhile, we wanted to let you know that we are working hard to represent you and our region, to ensure that we all benefit from the once-in-a-lifetime funding available to restore, expand, and improve passenger rail in the Greater Northwest and beyond. After all, #peoplelivehere!

You can learn more about the study and developments at the FRA study website here:

Your feedback is important, so please reach out to us with your comments and questions.

All Aboard Northwest is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) organization. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated at

Dan Bilka

Reporting from Denver