Tenino, WA, photo by C. Hamilton
Tenino, WA, photo by C. Hamilton

Train Trek, Boise, ID

Monday, 15 August 2022 8:00 am

Join us for this Train Trek event in the Boise area. Meet local stakeholders, gain valuable information, make the proper connections, and build the coalitions needed to realize visionary, large-scale, infrastructure projects.

Train Trek 2022 Passenger Rail Visit Agenda

At this meeting we will discuss unprecedented federal funding available for rail transportation alternatives such as:

  • Opportunities to share our priorities through the Corridor Identification Program

  • Opportunities to collaborate across state lines through Interstate Rail Compacts

  • Requirement for Federal Rail Administration to conduct Studies of previous passenger rail routes

    Breakfast Buffet provided
    Tour of the Boise Depot Great Hall after breakfast

Co-sponsored with the City of Boise.

Meet in Boise Depot Meeting Room
[enter on the east side of the depot – the other end of the building from the Great Hall]

Space is limited!

Download a flyer

Venue Information

Boise Depot West Eastover Terrace Boise Idaho

Event Price

Registration and Donation
Donation, Gold
Donation, Silver
Donation, Bronze