Tacoma Narrows Bridge, photo by C. Hamilton
Tacoma Narrows Bridge, photo by C. Hamilton

Train Trek, Gresham, OR

Thursday, 11 August 2022 1:00 pm

Returning Passenger Trains to a Station Near You: Why and How

Whether you're concerned about the environment, job creation or ease of travel, expansion of rail will bring significant benefits to the Pacific NW. Ultra high speed rail from Vancouver, BC to Portland, OR is only one part of the rail network that we need. We can take advantage of the current massive investment from the Federal Government into passenger rail to build a seamless region-wide rail service.

Join AANW, Senator Chris Gorsek, and AORTA representatives to discuss how the federal funding available for rail transportation can provide:

  • Opportunities to share our priorities through the Corridor Identification Program
  • Opportunities to collaborate across state lines through Interstate Rail Compacts
  • Information from the Federal Railroad Administration’s upcoming studies of previous passenger rail routes, and potential new ones.

Meet in the Town and Gown Room, Room AC2057, Academic Center, Upper Level
Mount Hood Community College
26000 S.E. Stark St.
Gresham, Oregon 97030

The college requires filling out their quick and easy MHCC Covid-19 Screening Questionnaire. There will also be QR code posters on campus. Here is the link: https://mthood.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aYuN4x1kCFVPtu6

Co-sponsored by All Aboard Northwest, The Association of Oregon Rail and Transit Advocates (AORTA) and Senator Chris Gorsek.

Download a flyer

Venue Information

Mount Hood Community College 26000 S.E. Stark St. Gresham Oregon 97030 503-491-6422

Event Price

Registration and Donation
Donation, Gold
Donation, Silver
Donation, Bronze